People Daily reported in great length about MCM designing the “Beautiful Countryside” product line for Luneng Group on January 19, 2017. Maintain the Features of Beautiful Countryside January 19, 2017, Beijing, China. To build beautiful...
January 19, 2017, Beijing, PRC. After the Spring Festival, the first important matter in the New Year will be the No. 1 Central Policy Document which addresses the “Three Rural Issues”. The document points out that the principal contradiction in the agricultural...
MCM Group focuses on designing top-level children’s projects. For the past six years MCM has been designing agriculture based projects. With Chinese parents increasingly showing interest in getting their children out of the cities to enjoy nature and learn about...
In your opinion, what makes a successful theme park? What should be taken into consideration in design work? Michael Mitchell: The first consideration in planning a theme park is understanding the purpose and objectives of the client. Theme parks are built to...
On November 11th, Francesco Matinata, Senior Designer of MCM Group China, gave a keynote address at the Lianchuang Real Estate Seminar focusing on the impact of children centered projects on mall visitations. After “Golden Decade” of Chinese commercial real estate,...